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Cat Coin FAQ

What is Cat Coin?

Cat Coin is a decentralized meme token. Unlike other meme tokens such as DOGE, our community is developing unique products that have real world value.

What makes Cat Coin different?

What truly separates Cat Coin from the rest of the meme tokens? Well, our mission is to create NFT trading cards of cats. Cool, right! Our loving cat community will also focus our efforts to save cats that have been abandoned and find loving homes for them, as each and every cat should be loved. Furthermore, we will organize events to promote Cat Coin, where all profits will go towards charitable causes. A win win for everyone!

Why should you join the Cat Coin family?

We truly believe that Cat Coin has the potential for greatness, as it is the first project of its kind. However, the real heart and soul behind this project are the extraordinary people turning our ideas into reality. We’re on a serious mission to make a difference. You are welcome to join us at any time!

How many Cat Coins are there and why?

There are around 480 000 000 cats in the world. So obviously, each one of them deserves to have at least one coin. Thus,  I've decided to create 480 000 000 coins - one coin per cat on this planet! This will be the first step for our global domination.

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